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laser gain造句

"laser gain"是什么意思  
  • According to the laser gain change is linear related to the frequency shift , the doppler frequency is extracted by the signal processing
  • An accurate model to calculate the laser gain distribution within the laser medium is proposed and an analysis model of thermal effect with varied parameters is deduced . the calculated results were verified by ansys finite elements program
  • The trends of dpssl are pointed out , the wide application fields , as well as the bright market future of high power dpssl are also summarized . in the chapter 2 , all kinds of solid - state laser gain materials are introduced in detail . in the chapter 3 , the theory on the mode - matching of the pump beam and the cavity mode is analyzed in detail based on the basic theory and work principle of ld - pumped all - solid - state laser
  • With the theoretical and experimental methods , the characters of cr4 + : yag are studied from cr4 + : yag as passive q - switching in nd : yag laser , intracavity frequency - doubling of q - switching laser and dual - wavelength laser , which is based on cr4 + : yag ' s operations of saturable absorption and laser gaining medium . chapter 1 : introducing the cr4 + : yag ' s optical function , the general research situation and the main idea of this thesis
    本论文基于cr ~ ( 4 + ) yag晶体既可以作为nd yag激光器的被动调q开关、又可以作为激光增益介质的特点,采用理论和实验相结合的研究方法,详细而具体的研究了cr ~ ( 4 + ) yag晶体被动调q 、调q倍频和双波长激光输出的特性。
  • It's difficult to see laser gain in a sentence. 用laser gain造句挺难的
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